HELLO!! Myself Yash Khona, a Freelance Full Stack Designer ( Front end web development + UI / UX Design + Graphics Design )


UI Design
UX Design


This is the framework that enables me to work more accurately and efficiently. I want to make this as easy for you as possible. I will guide you step-by-step through the process.

1. Understanding

If you've already worked with me on your brand strategy or you have your own strategy, I have all the information I need to design your logo and basic elements of your identity.

If you haven't worked with me on your strategy, I send you a set of questions to gather relevant information and save your time. You can answer these questions by email, phone, Skype or in person.

Your answers will give me a better understanding of :

2. Research

I make additional online and offline research on your company, your competitors and target customers. I analyse designs that have been successful for your competitors and your industry.

This allows me to :

3. Ideas generation

I generate different ideas using mind mapping technique. Next, I sketch to get rid of bad ideas and discover possible directions. If your logo includes a logomark (icon, symbol), I usually start from designing it first. Then I work on your wordmark (logotype, text-only logo).

I have to create the logo that will represent your business in the simplest, most appropriate and memorable form. That's why I analyse what will work best for your brand

I spend at least a couple of days thinking about a project before I move on to the next stage. I question each step that I have done up to this point. I have to be sure that I've chosen the best directions.

4. Drafts

I select and digitise my strongest concepts based on their effectiveness. An effective logo is the one that is :

I choose fonts that express your brand personality and match your logomark. Next, I modify an existing font to make it unique. I explore different arrangements of a logomark and wordmark to see the correlation between them.

After that, I need to step back from the project—at least for a day. It helps me to take a look at my ideas from a new perspective, reconsider my decisions and determine what is really important. Then I can make any necessary changes.

5. First presentation

The more options you have to consider, the harder it is for you to make a choice. This is a phenomenon known as “decision fatigue”. That's why I choose only 3 of the strongest concepts to show you.

At this stage, I present you only black and white versions in PDF file. This allows you to focus on the idea, not a specific colour. Next, I :

6. Your feedback

Your feedback is crucial to making this process work. You don't need to know anything about design. I give you 3 questions and tell you what you should focus on.

Don't be afraid to give negative feedback. I won't take it personal. The sooner you let me know that something doesn't work, the better. It will save us time, frustration and I will be able to fix it.

In order to meet a project deadline and keep the momentum, we both set a specified time limit (usually 2 days) to provide a short feedback via email. I take your feedback into consideration and, if necessary, make any revisions to the chosen logo design concept.

7. Refinement and feedback

I perfect the overall visual appeal of your logo and make sure it will work both in large and small sizes. That's why I have to improve readability of your logo by adjusting letter spacing. I also make optical corrections so that the alignment, shape and size of the various elements of your logo look “right” for the human eye. The design software is not always good at it.

Then I show you a refined version of your logo and, after your feedback, I make any final adjustments.

8. Choosing your colours

Once we are both happy with the overall shape of your logo, I help you to choose the most relevant colour palette. Choosing the right colour for your logo is crucial, because it can increase your brand recognition by up to 80%. Your brand colour palette will be based on colours of your logo.

The colour of your logo should :

The knowledge of colour theory and psychology of colour in branding helps me to make better choices. I also use the information on your industry gathered during my research.

9. Final presentation

After you have approved the colour palette, I present you the final version of your logo. To show you how your logo will work in context, I create mock-ups (usually: business card, stationery, signage, mobile phone screen etc.) and on different colour backgrounds.

10. Delivery and support

Now we are both satisfied with the result of our collaboration and I'm ready to prepare for you :

I email you one compressed (zipped) folder, which contains organised and clearly labeled subfolders with all your files.